How to wear it ?
Digital Fashion Workshop31 May - 2 June
Scholastika, Římská 103/12, 120 00, Praha, Czech Republic
Free event
by 24 May to
with your name and contact details

The main focus of this three-days workshop will be creating prototypes of various ways of ‘wearing’ a digital garment. International participants from different fields will share their current work and interests, as well as technical background information.
Network and learn how to apply digital garments on body and understand its impact for self and society.
In order to guarantee a rewarding experience for all participants, we specifically aim to gather people that already have a background knowledge in digital fashion and/or are planning on working in this field. If you have no experience but still interested, please contact us and we can help you be prepared.
HoloLens, 3D Scanner and Kinect will be present to work with.
Please bring your own laptop.
Friday MAY 31 >Open to Public<
• 09:00 Introduction to the concept of MRF and relevant technologies
• 09:30 Talk and Discussions
Yasmin Koppe : Traditional way of fashion production
Zil Vostalova : Digital fashion
Amber Slooten : Cryptocurrency + fashion
Ineke Siersema
Jakub Ra : New Aliens Agency
Nivva : Cybermodel and audio visual art
• 11:00
Filip Vostal, Ph.D., "The Posthuman Fashion"
• 12:00 Introduce each other
Introduction of HoloLens, 3D scanner, Kinect
• 13:00 Lunch
• 14:30 Form groups
Develop Mixed Reality Garment prototypes
• 18:00 Dinner @Vinohradsky Parlament
Saturday JUNE 1
• 10:00 Group work - continuing from day 1
Sunday JUNE 2
• 10:00 Gather back in Scholastika
Presentations & Round discussions
• Ever evolving Manifesto
• Drinks
• ARTSTUNT2 presentation @AVU
• 09:00 Introduction to the concept of MRF and relevant technologies
• 09:30 Talk and Discussions
Yasmin Koppe : Traditional way of fashion production
Zil Vostalova : Digital fashion
Amber Slooten : Cryptocurrency + fashion
Ineke Siersema
Jakub Ra : New Aliens Agency
Nivva : Cybermodel and audio visual art
• 11:00
Filip Vostal, Ph.D., "The Posthuman Fashion"
• 12:00 Introduce each other
Introduction of HoloLens, 3D scanner, Kinect
• 13:00 Lunch
• 14:30 Form groups
Develop Mixed Reality Garment prototypes
• 18:00 Dinner @Vinohradsky Parlament
Saturday JUNE 1
• 10:00 Group work - continuing from day 1
Sunday JUNE 2
• 10:00 Gather back in Scholastika
Presentations & Round discussions
• Ever evolving Manifesto
• Drinks
• ARTSTUNT2 presentation @AVU
Getting to the venue (Scholastika)
Get a ticket at the bus stop or metro station for 32CZK
BUS 119 to station "Nádraží Veleslavín",
then switch to Metro - either "Náměstí Míru" or "Muzeum"
scholastika WEB
Emergency contact
︎ Zil Vostalova: 00420775646998
Organized by Mixed Reality Reality Fashion community, PhyGital fashion studio OFFORM3D and Scholastika
For press and other inquiries please contact
Zil Vostalova ( or Yoonha Kim (
For press and other inquiries please contact
Zil Vostalova ( or Yoonha Kim (